Construction Tips for Better Communication

Communication skills are necessary for every industry. In the construction industry, it is incredibly essential since the stakeholders on the worksite work at great heights. Every year, one in every ten construction workers is injured. It is also necessary to have proper communication tools like intercoms and suitable access panels in every communication system. There are a lot of Best Access Doors Reviews for communication panel purposes. 

When construction site communication fails, not only can it cause delays and potential problems for the project, but it can also cause damage to property, equipment, or even in the worst cases, to your crew members like injuries or death. 

Before diving into our best tips for effective communication systems in the construction site, we will first break down the miscommunication consequences at work.

Construction Miscommunication Consequences 

Failure in communication happens all the time in construction despite being necessary for completing any task. A State of Communication and Engagement Study found out that thirty-six percent of the workers were in unsafe situations because of poor communication.

They also released a study report of the following about workers: 

  • Eighty percent within the company feel stressed due to inefficient communication. 
  • Thirty-six percent didn’t know where to get the information they needed to complete their job.
  • Sixty-three percent are frustrated with their company, how it communicates to workers and are prepared to quit.

Miscommunication errors are not only inconvenient but also expensive. One of the high costs in a project is spending on communication tasks such as resolving conflicts and finding information.

However, communication is a skill that can be learned, practiced, taught, and improved to lower the team’s communication issues. ​Here are some of the tips to improve and have effective communication on sites.

A Transparent Chain of Command

Establishing a clear and concise chain of command in construction worksites standardizes the communication system, eliminating confusion and creating accountability and efficiency.

Check Communication Quality

Every construction crew is familiar with quality checks, as it is always present in every worksite. Safety check on every piece of equipment and material is essential, and every job cannot be performed and done with any quality check. 

You can also be applied to the workers to have a quality communication checking system. One of the best practices is requiring the crews to maintain proper communication documentation and schedule regular checking to ensure procedures are followed. There are many metrics to measure quality communication, such as the accuracy of documentations and the frequency of meetings. 

Avoid Jargon

Jargon refers to industry-specific terms or words that are difficult to understand for those outsides of the specific industry. The construction industry is new to jargon terms. Minimizing the use of industry-specific words can significantly improve communication and keep everybody on the same page.

For example, a roofer might know precisely how to handle a housetop that is ponding. But to a drywall installer, the term ponding might be a different language. It is simple to say collecting water on the roof instead of word ponding. Maybe others are getting used to it, but it will be worth it when the team spends more time working and less time deciphering.

General Communication Skills

Most office-type careers require soft interpersonal skills, which means that companies must have regular communication skills in their workplace. Not all in the construction industry are implementing this structured communication training, but implementing this system is a brilliant move by managers to help the workers develop those skills.   

What To Expect from a Project Manager When it Comes to Effective Communication

Every manager has the authority to implement an improvement for communication in construction sites, ensuring the site is running efficiently and making sure the things are done, cost-effective, in a timely and in a safe manner during construction.

Effective communication is necessary to every construction site, and interpersonal communication is essential for all workers to have and practice continuously. Having effective communication is just as crucial to the whole team as having the correct construction equipment. 

If you want to read more about tips for better communication, feel free to visit us at

Published by chrisjackson

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